SimplyMe Boutique Boosted Their BFCM Revenue by 45% with Vajro

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Total Orders
Overall Revenue
Online Conversion Rate

About Simply Me Boutique

Over the last 5 years, Simply Me Boutique has established itself as a favored women’s apparel and accessories boutique. Based in beautiful sunny South Florida, the online boutique is built around exquisite comfort, tailor-made designs and top-of-the-line apparel designed by Amy Piechocki.

Simply Me launched its first mobile app with a considerable amount of uncertainty. What followed in a space of ten to twelve months of using Vajro was nothing short of impressive. Conversion rate went up by 50% besides the mobile app becoming their fastest-growing revenue channel.


With the BFCM weekend closing in, Amy had a few goals, and a well-thought-out game plan in mind to achieve said goals!

  • Improve the store’s overall revenue
  • Boost the store’s ROI and conversion rate
  • Work on the store’s customer retention rate
  • Optimize customer engagement

Amy was determined to achieve her BFCM weekend goals and make the best out of the BFCM weekend with Vajro!


With a robust game plan and Vajro’s world-class support team by her side, Amy was absolutely confident about achieving her BFCM weekend goals. With Vajro’s robust features and plug-ins in place, the store executed its game plan and exceeded all of Amy’s expectations.

  • Boost in Revenue

The store experienced a phenomenal uptick in revenue and conversion rate making the best use of Vajro and its top-notch features and offering the best shopping experience to its customers

  • A Powerful Engagement Medium

With the ability to stream on their mobile app and Facebook page simultaneously with Blynk, and automated rich media notifications, Amy’s engagement game was on point!

  • Powerful Plug-ins

With an array of powerful integrations that enabled the store to offer smarter payment options, better product recommendations and so on, Amy could offer her patrons the best mobile shopping experience, and improve the store’s ROI and conversion rate.


Amy was elated to realize the goals she set out to achieve this past BFCM weekend with her excellent game plan, and the intuitive shopping experience she could offer with Vajro. The store nailed its engagement with Vajro’s automated rich media notifications and live video commerce platform, Blynk.

The store experienced a 52% increase in overall revenue and a staggering 62% increase in sales over their mobile app store.

With over 80% of their online traffic coming in from mobile devices, there was a whopping 69% increase in total orders, and the store reported a solid 77% customer retention rate.

Amy not only achieved her goals, but went above and beyond her expectations with Vajro. Vajro is glad to have been a part of SimplyMe Boutique’s growth and journey over the past few months.