How Trendy Savages 5 Leveraged Vajro Boost their Conversion Rates to a Whopping 8.3%

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Mobile App Revenue
Online Conversion Rate

About Trendy Savages 5

Based out of the beautiful Kansas city, Trendy Savages is a family run business that offers women’s clothes of all sizes, accessories, and everyday items that would help ease a busy woman’s life!

The Goals

Jessica Savage, the store’s frontwoman, had a clear vision of what she wanted when the need for a better revenue and engagement medium came up. Noticing the shift in shopping behavior, Jessica decided to give her audience the best online shopping experience with a mobile app. With that decision in place, she had clear goals and objectives set for her mobile app.

  • Quick and seamless app launch
  • Streamline engagement with customers
  • Offer an upgraded shopping experience to her loyal patrons
  • Expand customer base
  • Boost sales and conversion rate

The Solution

In her search for the right mobile app solution for her Shopify store, Jessica discovered Vajro! Vajro is a top-rated mobile app builder on Shopify with 800+ five-star reviews! Vajro comes with numerous features and plugins meticulously designed to make app building a walk-in-the-park for e-commerce store owners!

  • A Simplified Design Editor

Vajro’s platform is a zero-code app builder. This meant that any need for coding knowledge had been taken out of the equation, and Jessica had all the tools she needed to build a mobile app right at her fingertips! Vajro’s dashboard gave Jessica the means to build her app and launch it in no time!

  • Real-Time Notifications

With Push Notifications that could be automated and scheduled, Jessica has been nailing her engagement. She was impressed with the ease of getting any kind of announcement out to her audience in no time with Vajro’s Push Notifications! With rich media notifications, she was able to attach images, videos and GIFs to her notifications which helped her boost her CTRs and conversion rates, as a result!

Vajro also enabled her to analyze and optimize her push notifications with information like CTR, Open Rate, and even Sales made through a specific notification!

  • Blynk - Live Video Commerce

Jessica maximized her engagement with Blynk - Vajro’s live video commerce platform. In addition to live video selling, Blynk enables stores to maximize conversions by selling products on Facebook with Product Drops, and allows shoppers reserve or waitlist products with Cart Hold! Jessica was thrilled to use live video selling, and the latest additions to Blynk to get the right kinda engagement with her customers, which in turn helped boost sales!

  • Enhanced Shopping Experience

Vajro comes with intuitive features and an exhaustive list of plugins that Jessica used to make mobile shopping an engaging and fun experience for her shoppers. She could see her customer base gradually expand over time, and it was evident that her patrons welcomed the addition of a mobile app to her sales medium!

The Results

Trendy Savage 5’s mobile app took off in no time, and Jessica was super pleased with the app’s performance and the way it was received by her customers. Vajro’s mobile app soon became an essential part of the store’s sales and engagement channels.

The store saw a whopping 70% increase in their Mobile App Revenue with a sharp 106% uptick in Online Conversion Rate

The store saw a staggering 8.3% conversion rate, and a 37% Returning Customer rate after going mobile.

With the majority of their online traffic coming from mobile devices, Jessica realized how much her customers loved the new mobile app! With Vajro right by her side, she was able to achieve all the goals she set out to with a mobile app!